Monday, May 14, 2012

Everyday Occasions DIY Vanilla Sugar & Syrup

Over at Everyday Occasions Jenny Steffens Hobick which I mentioned in my last blog post- She came up with a simple DIY project on how to make vanilla sugar, and vanilla syrup. Wayne actually made the vanilla sugar on his own a few months back. Ours is of course organic raw sugar, and organic Tahitian vanilla beans. We have yet to make the syrup, but both sound like a great coffee solution. My dilemma with coffee is I found a creamer I like.. It tastes good, only has 4 ingredient (and I can pronounce all of them), But it isn't organic, and it costs anywhere from $2.50-$4.00 a pop! The price isn't bad, but I drink quite a bit of coffee so it does add up quick.
For her vanilla sugar recipe see here, for vanilla syrup see here! I hope you are inspired to make some yourself, and consider ways to save money where ever possible with simple coffee fixes like this one.

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